Oppe has been visiting almost a couple of weeks now, while her owner is away. We’ve had many nice walks, and Oppe and Casper has played a lot together. Oppe is so lightweight and carefull that she is one of few dogs I’ll allow Casper to play with (due to his back problems). Here are some pictures 🙂
New harness from hurtta passed the “OMGitsacat!!!” test. The look in his eyes tells it all… “I want to catch that cat!”
we had some nice walks in the forrest
both of them in my messy car (but now nice and tidy!)
Got to love the autumn! 🙂
Casper is trying to smell the tracks of wild animals, while another wild animal tries to take him down
I would also have that look if I was in Oppe’s place 😛
Oppe the parrot
Oppe being feminine, Casper doing his manly pose