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Tag Archives: dalmatian
When I ask Casper if he’s hungry:

this is the look I get. It’s pretty clear that his answer is YAAASS! Today we went to a dogshow, just to look and say hello to people. I took some pictures of the dalmatians, they can be viewed on my facebook-page here (or by pressing the facebook-icon in … Continue reading
Dogs & almost summer
A few weeks early! :-)
Easter in Denmark 2015
Skogstur :)
Pictures of the birthday boy, 7 years old :)

Gratulerer med dagen til favoritthunden! Casper had his 7th birthday march 3rd And as every birthay, I had to take som pictures
I’ve wanted to use this wall as a backround for a while now, love the colors. And now that some o the snow is gone it … Continue reading
Oppgradert fra luft til lekker [video]
God jul! Merry Christmas!
Vil ønske alle en riktig god jul og et godt nytt år!
En solrik høstdag
Sniff på besøk
Running Spot’s Absolute Amazing – Fleksi

Casper hadde en playdate med Fleksi i dag, og da tok jeg noen oppstillingsbilder + hodebilder av henne Men før det kunne gjøres hadde både Fleksi og Casper viktigere ting å ta seg til 1. Synkronbæsjing 2. patruljere området og sikre det for eventuelle farlige enheter Takk … Continue reading
Autumn is here

I think the autumn is the best time of year for dog activities, the fields are harvested and Casper gets to run much more of leash than he does the rest of the year. Too bad they are plowing, seems they have started very early this year. But we’ll enjoy it … Continue reading