Some pictures from the autumn, this far 🙂
Casper and his beloved fox
nah thanks, I’m good.
Susi won the CAC at the Norwegian Kennel Clubs international show in Lillehammer 😀 A great day!
Susi aka Mymmeli av Vintervidda
Susi and owner Catalina 😀
Sniff’s cute nose
Casper is pawsome (… I’ll see myself out).
friends in the forrest 🙂 Susi (2), Toya (6/7), Sniff (10), Tira (5) and Casper (8).
Tira doing what she does best 😀
Casper on the highest point of our district (not very high).
Sniff hears someone coming trouhg the gate, but is too busy chewing, so she does not bark for once.