The Dogs



N uch Price-spot’s Kal-El

Born 04.05.2019 NO44602/19
Father: N SE DK UCH DKV-16 Spotdog’s Freaky Friday
Mother: NORD LT EST UCH Price-Spot’s Hope and Glory
BAER: +/+
HD: clear (A/B)
Elbows: 0/0
Back: without remark
Inbreeding: 2,344 %
Shows: NUCH – Norwegian Show Champion. Best of Breed at several shows, group placings. BOS at Show 101 2024. TOP WINNING DALMATIAN MALE 2024
Breeding: father of A Spottified’s Vivid litter (Belgium). 10 puppies, all BAER +/+, 0 blue eyes.

Floyd meets the Norwegian Dalmatian Club’s requirements for breeding, and is available to suitable bitches filling minimum the same requirements. Contact me at ninahedvig (at)


Curias Bebop



Born 05.03.2008
Dead 11.03.2019 DK05037/2008
Father: INT N S UCH Dalmo’s Educated Edgar
Mother: Gwynmor Terra Nova
Baer: +/+
Elbows: 0/0
DNA: Not carrier of the yellow gene
Inbreeding: 1,585%
Shows: CAC and champion quality

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