International dogshow (hamar) 2012. Judge Kurt Nilsson. 29 dalmatians.
BIR, m/cacib Lovinda’s Fabian
2.bhk Dalmings Hocus-Pocus. BIR vet
3.bhk m/cert og res. cacib Price Spot’s Cool Runnings
4.bhk m/res. Cert Dalmo’s Nicely Plump.
BIM Toot’s You can call me Al
2.btk m/cacib Toot’s Everytime.
3.btk m/cert Vinatta’s Biancha
4.btk m/res. cacib Dalnews Diadal Debbie.
Andre med CK:
Dalmo’s Joker II
Dalnews Feher Frida
Basika’s Candle in the wind
Napori’s Ever lasting love
Araidan Kornelia Spotnik
Dalmo’s Contessa
Oppdretterklasse med HP:
Kennel Dalmo
Blir kvantitet fremfor kvalitet i dag og men tror iallefall jeg har fått med hele gjengen, i det minste. Har ikke katalogen her, så er noen jeg ikke husker navnene på 
(Bare ta bilder de som vil ha.)

Dalmo`s Nothing Less

Dalmo`s Nothing Less

Basika’s Californication

Vinatta’s Albert

Dalnew’s Ekkora Eiko

Price-Spot’s Cool Runnings

Dalnew’s Ekkora Eiko

Dalnew’s Ekkora Eiko

Dalmo’s Headmaster II

Dalmo’s Headmaster II

Lovinda’s Fabian

Dalmo’s Joker II

Dalming’s Hocus-Pocus

Dalming’s Hocus-Pocus

Lovinda’s Fabian

Dalmo’s Nicely Plump

Price-Spot’s Cool Runnings, Lovinda’s Fabian, Dalmo’s Joker II, Dalming’s Hocus-Pocus

Lovinda’s Fabian

? tispe

Napori’s Incredible Beauty

Vinatta’s Bianca

Dalnews Feher Frida

Vinatta’s Bibbi Blokksberg

Dalnews Feher Frida

Dalnews Feher Frida

Dalnews Feher Frida

Basika’s Candle in the wind

Basika’s candle in the wind

Dalmo’s ?

Araidan Kornelia Spotnik

Napori’s Ever Lasting Love

Spotnik’s Grand Gala

Napori’s Funny Face

Spotnik’s Grand Gala

Napori’s Funny Face

Spotnik’s Grand Gala

Spotnik’s Grand Gala

Napori’s Ever Lasting Love

Araidan Korneila Spotnik

Araidan Korneila Spotnik


Dalnews Diadal Debbie


Toot’s Everytime og Dalnews Diadal Debbie

Toot’s You can call me Al

Toot’s You can call me Al

Toot’s You can call me Al

Toot’s You can call me Al

Dalnews Feher Frida

Toot’s Everytime

Basika’s ?

Araidan Kornelia Spotnik (tror jeg?)

Dalnew’s Diadal Debbie

Toot’s Everytime

Dalnew’s Diadal Debbie

Lovinda’s Fabian

Lovinda’s Fabian og Toot’s You can call me Al

Bir og bim: Lovinda’s Fabian og Toot’s You can call me Al

Dalming’s Hocus Pocus

Oppdretterklasse: Kennel Dalmo, HP

Dalmo`s Nothing Less
Hjemme ventet en furt liten gutt!
(I did not enter Casper this year, because I did not know where I would be in the world at that time.)

Hvordan våger du å komme hjem uten en liten godis engang!

(neida… furt var han ikke akkurat, han er tross alt en dalmatiner!)